You have no privacy online!
That's quite an interesting article! Court makes it official: You have no privacy online Eleni Gessiou
Information Law, Policy and Digital Privacy
That's quite an interesting article! Court makes it official: You have no privacy online Eleni Gessiou
(x-posted from Coffee House Talks) In doing the initial framing for an article on how to apply Helen Nissenbaum's theory of Contextual Integrity to the 4th Amendment, it has become…
Orin Kerr ponders oral arguments in United States v. Jones (reposted from The Volokh Conspiracy): I was at the Supreme Court this morning for the oral argument in United States…
The FTC and ScanScout came to a settlement over ScanScout's deceptive use of Flash cookies. ScanScout used Flash cookies to track users, but its privacy policy merely stated a user…
As a follow-up to Helen's post about Verizon's new privacy practices, EPIC has filed an FTC complaint alleging that the move amounts to an unlawful trade practice.
Michael Degusta has a wonderful blog post up about the history of missing software updates for Android smartphones, compared to Apple's iPhone. A sample: In this chart, green blocks represent…
Similar story to Verizon is coming up.. (Taken from Slashdot. Source: Mastercard, Visa to help Target Ads) "The two largest credit-card networks, Visa Inc. and MasterCard Inc., are pushing into…
From TalkingPointsMemo: "Feds To Monitor Google’s Privacy Practices For Next 20 Years Sarah Lai Stirland October 24, 2011, 4:10 PM 942 5 The U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Monday finalized…
The WSJ just blogged about a recent internet privacy study implicating several high-traffic sites of selling user information to third party SEO companies. Sites include OKCupid!, RottenTomatoes, and yes, the…
CSCW Workshop: Reconciling Privacy with Social Media February 12, 2012 Full Details: Call for Participation Much research on privacy in social media has focused on limiting personal information disclosure,…